Monday, November 22, 2010

Sharing is Caring!

Introduction Day.
Greeting to all!!

After almost two years working in education, I think this is the best time to share my experiences from the day I started jump into this field.

First of all, what make my life different is when I was given new program that you could't have opportunity to have it. 1 year ago, when I started join Nilai University, I was given Aircraft course where I need to teach Physics (still my major area). It quite nervous because 90% of the class are boys. But now, its Fantastic, and amazing.

I would like to share for those who feel curious, undecided about this program. 

Here are some information you can get about aircraft maintenance engineering.
  1. Nilai University College (Nilai UC) launched its Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering programme in Nov 2007.
  2. upon successfully completing all the examinations, graduates will get both a EASA qualification as well as Nilai UC’s Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering.
  3. A reputable partner is conducting the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) professional exams.
  4. The programme offers the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Part 66 B1-1 professional qualification, which is internationally recognized and is much sought after today.
  5. it is estimated that the world’s airlines will require 24,000 new aircraft, which must be greener, cleaner and smarter than ever before.   
Why I said so??
As we already know, the demand in aircraft maintenance engineering has  increased since the past 20 years. Here are some information you can get about the above mentioned.
  1. There is a genuine shortage because of several factors that affected the aviation industry.
  • changing economies, 
  • the Sept 11 tragedy and 
  • SARS that resulted in no training being carried out for several years.
  1.  China alone needed 210,000 AMEs in the next five years when it was announced on 2007.
  2. the aviation industry was rapidly expanding and as a result, the demand for AMEs will continue to grow.   
  3. AME was a very marketable profession as there was a worldwide demand for them.  
You might ask yourself this question. How much you can earn in this??

Aircraft maintenance engineering has a reasonably structured pay scale. Starting salaries will look something like this:

  • Mechanic: RM1,600
  • Technician: RM1,800
  • Engineer without type rating: RM3,500
  • Engineer with type rating: RM5,000.
Before you decide everything, think on this questions. It won't make you down, but it helps you not to choose wrong future. 

  • Do I enjoy repairing things?
  • Can I function in a wide variety of working conditions?
  • Am I thorough and meticulous in nature?
  • Do I have a good head for numbers?
  • Can I work well under pressure?

p/s: this blog is just to share knowledge. It is not related to any company. The blog has been created by me, ONLY for sharing the knowledge Now, its about 3 to 4 semesters I am teaching Aircraft program and 2 years of teaching Physics in foundation and diploma level.

I add some words, form the Head of AME in Nilai College.
"In view of the fact that AMEs must have good technical, scientific, mathematical and inventive minds, they must demonstrate patience, motivation, determination, perseverance and strong problem-solving skills. Apart from that they must be excellent communicators and team players, since aircraft maintenance requires the work of a number of people working together. They should be able to visualise problems in three dimensions and work well on computers."

thanks to:


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