Monday, March 28, 2011

Malaysia Airlines Systems (MAS) Vacancies

We are looking for dynamic and highly motivated individuals to contribute to the growth of our airline. If you would like to apply for a position, please write in to the address listed on the right or email

  1. Business Development Executive
  2. Senior Data Analyst
  3. Web Designer
Closing Date : 31 Mac 2011

  1. Type Rated Pilot (Direct Intake)
  2. Cadet Pilot (Direct Intake)
  3. Licensed Aircraft Engineer
Closing Date : 9 April 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Learn Physics-Additional References

There are about 26 chapters in this Book. Some of the contents as below:
Best Regards

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011

NEw market, new story about aviation industry.

here are some books that you may want to have it in your collections:

"Takeoffs and Landings Made Simple" - Ebook

65% for you! This Step by Step Guide simplifies Takeoffs and Landings to its basic form, making it simple for any pilot to understand and implement. Great for pilots starting out or anyone looking to improve their T/o and Landings. Not much competition.

Overcome Fear of Flying - High Conversions - No Opt-In Available!

Advanced resource for overcoming fear of flying by proven CB vendor Rich Presta . High conversion rates - 75% commissions! You can Dominate the niche. No Opt-In landing page available! Go To

Model Airplane Secrets.

EBook(R) On Basic To Advanced Strategies On Model Building.

Will provide to you latest information.
See you~~~

A poem tribute to a maintenance man...

Dedicated TO ALL AMEs. Be proud to have you here.

There was thousands of little renown,
And these were the men, who worked on the planes,
But kept their feet on the ground
We all know the name of Lindbergh,
And we’ve read of his flight of fame,
But think, if you can, of his maintenance man,
Can you remember his name?............ (mechanic and technician)

Pilots are highly trained people
And wings are not easily won….
But without the work of the maintenance man
Our pilots are totally torn and worn,
So when you see mighty aircraft,
As they mark their way through the air,
The grease stained man with the wrench in his
Hand is the man who put them there.

By Vinay Lamba 

world Lagest Airplane!!!!

Project 903 Lun – World Largest Airplane

1987 was the year when the first 350 tons ground effect “ship” from the series of Soviet battle missile carriers was produced. It was called Lun after the Russian name for a bird of prey – hen harrier. Another name for this vehicle was Project 903. It carried 6 Moskit cruise missiles (SS-N-22 Sunburn in NATO classification). Hitting four of them causes inevitable sinking of a vessel of any know type and size. The second Lun-class battle aircraft was supposed to be produced in several years but due to the end of cold war and partial disarmament the project was changed to a rescue aircraft and it was never finished.

Credit to : 

In 1989, after the tragic accident on nuclear submarine "Komsomolets" where 42 mariners died, the decision was made to re-equipment the second "Lun", being at that time under construction, into a search-and-rescue maritime ekranoplane "Spasatel". The second copy of "Lun" had 6 engines, instead of 8. A considerable part of the work had already been accomplished by the time of the breakup of the Soviet Union, followin which there was a drastic reduction of the budget of the Russian Navy. 

you can read more in the mentioned websites above.  

have a nice DAY ahead!!!


Questions Regarding AMEs

Thank You to severals articles/websites for giving me chance to share this area with ALL AMEs. Hope the explanations and sharing the ideas will help you in future.

why aircraft body is made of aluminum and Why refrigeration is done inside aircraft?

Body of aircraft is made up of aluminum due to its good tensile strength & good conductor.This is the combined effect low pressure & speed of plane in sky.

What is ram jet?

A ramjet, sometimes referred to as a stovepipe jet, or an athodyd, is a form of jet engine with no moving parts. Ramjets cannot produce thrust at zero airspeed and thus cannot move an aircraft from a standstill.

What is a liquid metal?

Mercury. "Liquid metal" is a type of alloy, a mix of three or more metals, with end results of similar properties and characteristics to plastic that cools faster and has more than twice the strength of titanium.

Are thermal protection systems of space crafts commonly composed of one panel or a collection of smaller tiles?

Does not simplification of complex honeycomb designed for thermal protection system of are usable launch vehicles jeopardize the accuracy of results?

It jeopardize the accuracy but it also has some advantages but cannot be used due to its inaccuracy.

What is the highest temperature the space shuttle under surface experiences during its mission?

Under surface of the space shuttle will experience above 2300'c at the time of re-entering.

Explain how you overcame a major obstacle?

To overcome obstacle, one should have strong determination and self confidence on himself /herself. They have to face life as it comes.

What are the main areas in Aviation?

Artificial intelligence

Aircrafts and parts

Advanced materials, composites and specialty metals

Computers, electronic components and systems

Fighters and attack aircraft

Government defense policies and goals


Navigation controls and guidance systems

Ordinance and Military vehicles

Computers, electronic components and systems

Aviation electronic/Avionics



Search and detection equipments

Strategic defensive initiative

Sensors and instrumentation


Space vehicles and commercialization of space

What made you choose aircraft maintenance engineering/aerospace engineer line as your career?

In aircraft maintenance/aerospace engineering there are lots of interesting topics which include rocketry, aeroplanes, Lego’s. As a school student I started sketching for future aircraft and space craft,military aircraft. I analyzed the importance of space travel, aviation history, and aerospace industry and hence decided to get into this field.

Explain the day to day responsibilities of Aerospace engineering?

Each job profile even in aerospace industry differs from others. To mainly speak about aerospace there are two branches or field. One is aeronautical and other is astronautics engineering.

Explain the differences between Aeronautical Engineering and Astronautical Engineering

Aeronautical engineering deals with vehicles which operates in the atmosphere
Aeronautical engineering deals with vehicles operating in space.
Aeronautical engineering works on tunnel tests, analyzing flight test data, manned space flights, planning future space missions, spacecraft operations, designing and testing robotic systems, developing new propulsion system, computing optimum flight trajectories,developing communication systems for distance space probes and designing new rockets.
Astronautical engineer includes designing power systems for spacecraft structure, developing communications systems for distant space probes, developing hardware skills for operations in spacecraft, designing and testing robotic systems, developing new propulsion systems and computing optimum flight.

Does the knowledge of mathematics of Science is required to get into maintenance engineering?

The basic understanding of Math is important as it is not used at all the time during the course of aerospace engineering. One should have a basic understanding of mathematical definitions and knowledge on computers is very important as the computer programs will help in doing simple calculations and verify the results are reasonable.
But on the science front it is very important to have a very good understanding on various subjects like dynamics and mechanics in physics, strong emphasis on chemistry,electromagnetism. For a good engineer one should know how law of forces makes things happen.

Also if you are good at physical sciences when opposed to life sciences like biology you will be a fit candidate for aerospace engineering.

How would you handle if your co-worker is not co-operating with you?

Talk to your co-worker directly and explain him that you are having a problem working with him and make him understand the situation, if he is not willing to listen or not co-operating, then direct the issue to chief pilot.

What would you do if your Captain is not following the instructions properly?

Refer to your plane manual and discuss the same with your client and ensure you make him understand the procedures and rules. If he does not respond, you will call your concerned aircraft officer at the airport and escalate and make sure your voice frequency is recorded.

How would you handle the extreme pressure during emergency situation if you know that plane is not safe and it might crash anytime?

Few professions demand you to be selfless, and our respective clients would be the most important thing, that is why customer service differs completely in such fields compared to other streams. For example, Doctors, Lawyers, Pilots…these are the professions where employee saving your customer is the up most important thing.

So, as a engineer I fully understand my duties and responsibilities and will ensure that whatever panic situation I could be in, I will continue to deliver my duties till the end and ensure passengers are safe all times. Simultaneously I will own the full responsibility of maintenance of Air Craft safe and in the airworthy condition.

How many types of emergency landings are there and explain?

There are three types of emergency landings like:

Forced landing: This is a situation where Air Craft engine fails and Pilot is forced to land the plane in the nearest airport.

Precautionary landing: This is used when Pilot faces a problem due to severe weather conditions, or being lost in the air space traffic or due to lack of fuel or expecting an engine trouble.

Ditching: This is when where Pilot cannot avoid this situation but to just land on water, which is safer than air bound.

You are a Flight Engineer? How important is to get the passengers switch off the mobile phones and laptops during land off? What could be the consequences?

It is very important to check if laptop and mobile phones are switched off or not, as the consequences can be bad….because interference of air crafts communication devices and electronic devices interfere with each other and there could be chances of not proper landing.

So, it’s highly recommended that all electronic and communication devices should be
switched off during take off and landing.

What interests and abilities would help me as an Aircraft Maintenance Engineering/Aerospace engineer?

Successful aerospace engineers need lots of curiosity, problem solving skills,organizational skills, written and oral communication skills, people skills (as in leading and participating in teams) and computer skills. There are no physical requirements; in fact, we have many engineers with disabilities and it is not an issue for their job performance

What are the fringe benefits of aircraft engineer/aerospace engineering?

Good pay, good promotion potential, travel, respect from the community at large, and you get to say that you are a man with rocket science!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chapter 3, Newton's Law

You have already met the concept of force, when we looked at some important fundamentals.
You will remember that the effect of a force was dependent on its magnitude, direction and
point of application.
We will now study the Newton's Law of Motion and several types of Forces.

In the next archive, we will discuss an important type of Force which is FRICTION.

Friday, March 4, 2011

chapter 3-mechanic (part 2)

Problems in vector addition and subtraction such as the one above can be easily solved by graphical methods and can also be calculated by means of trigonometry. This type of calculation is useful in solving problems in navigation and motion as well as in mechanics and other branches of physics.

Optical Illussions


This elephant is missing a leg...or is it? The artist confuses his
viewer by changing they way our brain is used to seeing things.
It seems the more you look at the elephant, the more confusing it gets.

Did you notice the small grayish dots between the black boxes. They are not part of the drawing - they were put there by your brain! Scientists call this "visual vibration." Basically it means that when you see patterns of black and white, your eye sometimes confuses the two and blends them into patterns of gray that you see here. You are seeing something that is not really there!

Want to see the gears move?
Look at the dot and then move your head towards the screen and away from it.

This simple line drawing is titled, "Mother, Father, and daughter" (Fisher, 1968)
because it contains the faces of all three people in the title.How many faces can you find?

Hey, this is weird. It looks as though it's moving, but it's not.
The shapes confuse the eye (really the brain) into believing that they are moving.